


About Us

Our Mission: A Healthy You…

The fact is that diagnoses are labels that rarely explain how you got that label.  We know that almost all chronic diseases are secondary to lifestyle and environmental causes, so why not address lifestyle and environment?

Health comes from how we live our lives and not from a doctor’s prescription pad… it is a skill set that everyone can and should learn.  When we remove the obstacles to health (the underlying metabolic or physiological imbalances), the body will innately Repair, Restore and Revive.  This is where we come in at RH+.

Our Mission

At RH+, our mission is to accelerate your healing and ensure that you get a healthy version of you.

Our Goal

We at RH+ are dedicated to helping you in achieving your health and wellness goals. We want you and your family to lead a healthy life.


Personalized, Functional Medicine Care

We use functional medicine and nutrition to create a customized wellness plan for you. You will learn more about yourself through our testing, review, and in-depth evaluation to transform your lifestyle to feel well for the long term. Many urgent care facilities provide you service so you can be in and out, and on your way. We take a different approach towards disease and health. We believe that beyond addressing the symptoms, addressing the causes will prevent problems and create a more healthy future.

Our Philosophy

The myriad of health problems plaguing the society has stemmed from the irregularities and weaknesses in the body’s physiological functions, brought out by poor nutrition. Through RH+ we aim to help you understand the tragic and unprecedented effects of modern eating habits.
As dietary fads keep on alternating between foods high in carbohydrates and others high in protein and fat, one thing is obvious that there is no term such as perfect diet. At RH+ we believe in bio-individuality, which simply runs on the principle that each person is unique and has his or her own nutritional requirements. Our sheer aim is to help you find the right and balanced, wholesome food, which will enhance the body’s healing ability and restore complete health.

PCOS. PCOD, Health, weight loss, personalised functional medicine care,

Repair, Restore and Revive

We build our philosophy upon the foundation of three Rs–Repair, Restore and Revive.

Initially, we repair the integral systems of the body, which coordinate the functioning of various metabolic activities.

Second, we restore all the physiological functions of the body through immune-modulation, which we do via natural aids and restoration diet. In the final stage the body shows signs of amelioration, which further confirm that the human body has revived.

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