

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine focuses on the optimal functioning of the entire body and its organs. Using a system-oriented approach, it addresses the underlying causes of disease along with an understanding of the conditions and history in which the disease manifested. Genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors all have a direct influence on long-term health and chronic health issues.

How Functional Medicine differs from Conventional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a fundamentally new way of thinking about health and disease. Conventional medicine often treats and focuses on symptoms of disease. Functional medicine looks beyond the symptoms to uncover the underlying root cause of the condition. We often do this by a thorough holistic assessment that looks at one’s full history, symptoms in all systems, environment, stressors and toxic burden. We believe health issues often have inter-relationship.

What the core principles of Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine focuses on understanding the fundamental physiological processes, the environmental inputs, and genetic predispositions that influence health and disease so we focus on interventions that helps in treating the real cause of the problem, not just masking the symptoms. Here are the basic principles;

    • Science-based medicine that connects the emerging research base to clinical practice.
    • Biochemical individuality based on genetic and environmental uniqueness.
    • Patient-centered care rather than disease-focused treatment.
    • Dynamic balance of internal and external factors that affect total functioning.
    • Web-like interconnections among the body’s physiological processes also affect every aspect of function.
    • Health as a positive vitality, not merely the absence of disease.
    • Promotion of organ reserve.
How Functional Medicine Practitioners are different?

Functional Medicine Practitioners listen to their patients. They spend time with the patients and helps them decipher the underlying reasons and root cause for their ill-health. Functional medicine doctor looks deeply the connections between lifestyle, diet, genetics and environment. Functional Medicine doctors don’t just rely on tests and their reference ranges within the normal range.

Is Functional Medicine Expensive?

First, we consider functional medicine an investment over an expense. Working to transform your lifestyle and health will continue to reward you over your lifetime. Functional medicine is not more expensive than repeat colonoscopies, ongoing work-ups with no answers and expensive imaging, “blockbuster medications” that only increase in dose and number, or an emergency that is easily preventable.

We see people from all walks of life, including hard-working people on a fixed budget. They will invest in their health and to them, it’s more of a priority decision than a cost decision. They’d rather not wait and keep doing the same things, taking the same medications, but expecting a different result. The upfront investment they make both financially and effort-wise often completely changes the course of their health over their lifetime.

At RH+, we make functional medicine affordable to everyone at the cost compared to your one-month weekend’s bills. The price you pay is worth the disease you get from eating junk food and living a poor lifestyle.

Who should never consult a Functional Medicine Practitioner?
  • Are you the least interested to change your lifestyle?
  • Are you unwilling to change the way you eat, sleep and move?
  • Are you looking for shortcuts?
  • Are you unwilling to learn how your body functions and respond to food, environment and lifestyle?
  • Are you unwilling to invest time and money in your health?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then functional medicine might not be for you.

What one can expect from a Functional Medicine Consultation?

In, the very first initial consultation we will give you an opportunity to discuss your personal health goals with a functional medicine provider. We will also perform an in-depth functional medical exam. This visit typically lasts 60 to 90 minutes and is an opportunity for you and our staff to identify if you are a good candidate for our services.

We will be there to guide you, help you uncover the root causes of your health issues. Everyone is biologically unique and so are their needs and requirements. You will learn how the body responds to the food you eat, the way you sleep and move. Once you are ready to take these actions, you see that body has an innate sense to heal itself.

When will I feel better?

Each case is highly unique. Many of our patients have advanced chronic conditions that require a great deal of intervention, and time and patience. The average time from start to finish for these situations is roughly 18 to 24 months. That said, many factors can influence this–lifestyle, physical activity, commitment to the program, consistency of care, stress, history of physical trauma, environment, genetics, and even general mindset and attitude.

It’s important to follow these programs faithfully to the end; not completing a program can hold back progress and invite further problems or the recurrence of past issues.

How is Functional Medicine in India different from others?

You can read various reviews about Dr. Prashantt J Wadhaawan on Google and Facebook page. They are all his real clients who have seen real world benefits by changing their diet and lifestyle. He does not focus on extensive testing and selling the supplements like others as he believes one needs to focus more on nutrition and his lifestyle, rest everything comes thereafter. Supplements work only in conjunction with a good diet. Consistency and Trust is the key to any success.

I think I am healthy; do I still need functional medicine?

Often times clues to your overall health are silent. You may generally feel well, not get sick often, and perhaps you’re even a competitive athlete! What if there were tests to detect what was really going on in your body? Tests that are not being used in the conventional medical field. In using these specialized tests and lab facilities, we can detect any underlying, silent manifestations that may brew underneath an otherwise “healthy” you.

I recently got my blood work done, all values are within normal range, but I still fill something is not right within me. Doctors say everything is fine and it must be psychological or because of stress. What I can I do about it? Is there any way to uncover it?

The reference ranges for blood tests or other tests are very general and broad to make people believe that they are disease free. Conventional medicine looks for results out of the ranges only and they don’t have any tool or training to look what’s boiling under. But, in reality being disease free differs totally from being healthy. The reference ranges start divulging from optimal values far early till it goes out of the range. We have specialised software which can analyse your reports and warn you way before things go wrong. We work in optimal ranges and not standard reference ranges.

Do I have to be on functional medicine forever?

We understand that prevention is a key component to maintaining optimal health. Often times our patients are so happy with their care that they decide that they want to make Functional Medicine a staple part of their future health regimen.

Ready to live that healthy life? Get started with RH+ today!