Digestive Health is considered one of the most important among the 4 Pillars of Health.
Optimal Digestion means the capability to break down food and absorption of nutrients & energy substrates from the digestive tract. Digestion and assimilation demand optimal levels of hydrochloric acid, bile and enzymes. That is why Digestive Health is very important.
Shortage of any one of these components in your digestive tract can take a toll on your body. Optimal health is not just about eating healthy but it’s about proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients present in the food.
Our Digestive System plays an important role in maintaining good health & protection from diseases.
Our Digestive tract starts from mouth & ends at the anus. It also includes organs like liver, gall bladder and pancreas. They aids in digestion and assimilation of food. Digestive tract is exposed to food, bacteria, virus and other environmental toxins like pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals on a daily basis.
The exposure to environmental toxins has increased many folds in the past few decades. It is equally proportionate to the occurrence of chronic diseases. Digestive disorders are the most common problems for which people give a visit to the physician. The conventional approach or treatment towards digestive issues helps temporary suppress the symptoms.
Most people are not aware that these symptoms can be just the tip of the iceberg. These symptoms when become chronic can lead to a myriad of health issues. The symptoms include allergies, inflammation, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders, etc. So when it comes to wellness, Digestive Health is of great importance.
A healthy digestive tract digests food and assimilates the nutrients. It also prevents or filters out toxins, allergens and microbes . Therefore, on the whole, it is directly linked to the health of an organism.